Sunday, July 29, 2012


THE MATTERHORN EXPRESS climbs briskly,  and follows the river Vispa up the valley to Zermatt. 

Sleepily, we drag the camera from its bag and aim it upwards to the peaks far ahead. The train roars over bottomless chasms spanned by temporary wooden bridges.

Drawing closer, we can see the peaks and river in a single view -- though it's frustrating to shoot from the fast-moving train window.

Soon we pass the 1991 rockslide at Randa, where Nature is slowly restoring the damage. We notice there may have been a new, smaller slide near the top of the slope. 

Near the top, the valley broadens out. At home in New England, we brag about our 4000-foot hills; Zermatt has 38  that rise more than 4000 meters.  The camera strains to capture peaks and valleys in the same shot. 

One last glimpse of  snow fields ahead...  

as we enter the final tunnels that take us into the Zermatt bahnhof. 

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