Thursday, July 28, 2016


IN FAIR WEATHER OR FOUL, the porch of the Hotel Christiania is a first-rate spot to enjoy life on our planet Earth. We recently found some snapshots that recall a sunny summer day (part of our look back at some good times in Zermatt) when the Peter Franzen-Bieri family invited their guests to celebrate life in the mountains.
Photo from
Hotel Christiania's Franzen-Bieri family on the terrace: Kathie and Peter, flanked by their sons Michel (left) and Domenic (right). 

REZEPT (RECIPE): Take one of the sunniest, most scenic terraces in town and fill it with special guests, good music, wine, laughter, and -- oh, yes -- the luscious aroma of melting raclette. You have the makings of a memorable party.

Michel (left) warms the Raclette machine as Kathie (right) plans logistics with the unflappable Pedro (center)

The music plays and the young ones jump up to dance...

While a guy in a funny mountain hat and other guests 
wait for their Raclette plates to arrive

Michel serves plates of molten raclette 

And the guy in the funny mountain hat shows Michel exactly which table
should receive a plate of raclette ASAP

While the Matterhorn watches in silent splendor over us all

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