Monday, December 26, 2011


A FEW FLAKES DRIFTED slowly down on Christmas morning,  leaving a dusty sparkle on the ice of the lower pond.

As I shot the picture, I noticed that the wind had snapped another pine in the lower woods. Investigating, we found the downed trunk in several thoroughly rotten sections, with the telltale hen-of-the-woods mushrooms growing up the side.

Nature never takes a holiday.

And on the music system, Yo-Yo Ma's joyous holiday party of several years ago, a CD entitled  Songs of Joy and Peace. You can find pieces of its back story on MySpace and You Tube snippets, and can listen to samples of the finished product at the title link above.  It's wonderful music to play over the holidays.  Great joyous riffs, punctuated with endless variations on Dona Nobis Pacem

No matter what holidays you celebrate, what we all share is this common gateway to the new year and the rising sun. It's a new chapter, a new start.  May the coming year be a good one for you.

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