Sunday, August 7, 2011


Findeln is tucked into a tiny valley between two major mountains with a scenic view of the Matterhorn. Traditionally, it was home to a group of brigands and smugglers who made their livelihood moving goods to and from Italy over high mountain passes. That's all past now, but the town still thrives, winter and summer, as a cluster of gourmet restaurants and mountain paths with charming views.

It's fun to look at individual houses and barns perched precariously on the hillside, with great round stones underneath to prevent vermin from climbing into the stored hay...

...or to look up at the whole village thrusting out from the hillside, with retaining walls to create a level space for a family play yard or outdoor dining (who would want to eat elsewhere)?

However you look at it, the hills are steep and flower-filled.

And in the woods, we even found one late-blooming Alpenrose (which is not a rose at all, but in fact a native rhododendron).

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